Hi My Friend
There has been a ton of Cop Bashing over the last year or so.
From both sides of the fence, Cops Bashing the Public and the public, the media etc bashing the Cops.
Lives are being lost and destroyed.
Confidence in the Police is being lost or totally destroyed.
Violence from the Cops and towards the Cops is continuing to rise.
Unfortunately this will only get worse.
More and more Towns and
Cities in the USA are sure to undergo more of the terrible scenes we
have all witnessed on Social Media and the like.
The same will happen in other Countries.
There will be total mis-trust in Law enforcement.
There are a gazillion reasons for this - but in my humble opinion the MAIN reason is the complete lack of training that Officers undergo for a physical altercation.
Did you know that some Forces give their Officers 4 hours of training for a physical altercation? 4 HOURS! That is ludicrous.
Other Forces give a MASSIVE 20 Hours of training every 2 Years! Better but still ridiculous.
The result of this lack of training is so bleeding obvious.
The Officer/s will HAVE to increase the level of force applied to get the job done.
Or, they will have no
idea / confidence in getting the job done properly, so they will go
immediately to extreme levels of force.
The result is the kind of results we have all witnessed on Social Media and the like over the last year or so.
Yes... there are some Bad Apples ... but to be fair, at the moment this is still pretty rare.
The BAD NEWS is that with training being at an all time low... this will get MUCH WORSE - AND VERY QUICKLY.
Before you know it, we will have a Barrel FULL of Bad Apples.
It is up to the likes of us, true Martial Artists to help.
We owe it to ourselves, our family, our friends and our communities.
I have my own ideas on how this can be done.
More on that later.
Till then, stay safe and remember to be COURTEOUS and COMPLIANT if stopped by the Police.
Keep your mouth shut and do as requested and never speak without your Lawyer present.
Most times politeness and compliance will be met with a fairly quick '' be on your way''.
Complain when you get home... not to the police... it WILL escalate... and you do not need that hassle.
Till later my friend
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely
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