Running Time: 53 mins approx
Featuring: Russell Stutely
John Andrews
Production Quality: Video quality is good with demonstrations from various angles and some points zoomed in to clarify small details that make the locks/strike effective
Intro: Russell Stutely introduces Master John Andrews who performs all the techniques in this DVD. John Andrews currently holds the rank of 4th Dan in Ju Jitsu and 5th Dan in OCFM & is OCFM’s National Grappling Coach
Main section:
The first technique shown is a double palm (BAR technique) to enter against an aggressive assailant followed by a forearm to the neck leading to a standing neck crank,a simple effective technique
The next move is against a double wrist grab ,although I don’t think this method of attack is as common as people make out ,he does point out that you should start your counter as soon as possible and not let them lock on their attack. This technique is a wrist lock but is made effective by a number of strikes en route to the lock.
A Wicked arm bar against a double lapel grab is shown next this is a very good lock and should be practised with great care
A few more standing attack counters are shown before moving onto a section dealing with take down attempts
Punch defences are demonstrated ,there are pressure points used but they are always coupled with striking so you aren’t left hanging fiddling about trying to find a tiny point. You are shown how to easily hit numerous points at once and follow ups if you miss or the strike/lock is ineffective
Take downs and throws are shown followed by a lock or strike to incapacitate an assailant ,fine points are emphasised which makes all the difference in making these moves effective,including how to best use your strength and safety considerations
Next up is a section showing various judo/bjj control positions on the ground again with tweaks and variations to increase their effectiveness. A drill is shown to help you learn how to flow from position to position and control your opponent
Escaping guard is shown,leading to ankle locks and some good detail on neck cranks
The DVD finishes with a section on arm bars and neck cranks from mount
OVERALL: A pretty good DVD plenty of content and just enough repitition without wasting space. Street and sport applications are shown and there is something for everyone. As with all instructional DVDS I have found some techniques just don't work for some people and certainly won't work if you dont train them. Train hard train safe 9/10 (experienced grappler 7/10)
REMEMBER: This is only one DVD from PRESSURE POINTS BLACK 6 DVD SET. The full set is 6 DVDs with an approximate running time of 5 hours 20 minutes. Please subscribe to the feed or check back regularly for further reviews of PRESSURE POINTS BLACK 6 DVD SET and other Russell Stutely Pressure Point fighting DVDS
ABOUT ME: I am a third Dan black belt kick boxing instructor with over ten years teaching experience,and knowledge of various martial arts. I have a good eye for what works and what doesn't. I also have a number of students who have tried out these techniques with great success
Martial Artists from beginners to advanced Black Belts
and Street Combat vets all agree:
This Stuff Works!
Many of you also had questions, so here are the answers:
QUESTION #1: Who is Rick Moneymaker?
ANSWER: Rick is one of the Greatest and Foremost Martial Artists living today.
His bio and a huge list of credentials is on the Secret Sessions page here:
QUESTION #2: What is actually in "The Secret Sessions" and what's it all all about?
ANSWER: Rick Moneymaker and a small group of dedicated Martial Artists founded
Dragon Society International in the early 90's because we knew that there was far more
to the martial arts than Block , Kick and Punch. We set out to uncover the true hidden
secrets of the Martial Arts world.
That's what we uncovered in the Secret Sessions DVD series!
You see, we've all experienced moments when our techniques worked perfectly, and also
when they didn't work well. So we set out to break down EVERYTechnique/Movement to
its smallest part and catalog the “Players to the game” that either made it work great, or
not so good.
Every Martial Artist has experienced a technique when he was in the “sweet spot” and
everything went perfectly and powerfully. So we started a list and applied the “players
of the game list” to every technique we did.
Every time we did this the Techniques HURT more, every “Player” added to the PAIN
or LETHALITY of the technique. The Secret Sessions show you these phenomenal
QUESTION #3: What are the Free Bonuses that come with The Secret Sessions?
ANSWER: When you order The Secret Sessions for 197.00, you get over $400.00 in
Free Bonuses (Yes, you get more than twice the value of the Secret Sessions alone!)
They are:
Bonus #1: 2 x Players DVDs from Russell Stutely - (normally $59.90)
Bonus #2: DVD Downloads: Locks and Takedowns, Chokes and Strangles - (normally
Bonus #3: Book Download: Karate: The Hidden Secrets - (normally $19.95)
Bonus #4: The Pressure Point Database! (normally $300.00)
The Free Bonuses and discount price are only available for 3 more days, then they're
off the table Forever.
So don't fool around and miss out on this Killer deal. Order now!
Get the "Behind Closed Doors"
Martial Artists Living Today and Make them YOURS!
this Material REALLY is!
And we are now allowed to release it to YOU!!
These SECRET SESSIONS Literally Give You
"25 Simple Secrets that ANYONE Can Use"
in Any Attack situation to Immediately Cause
Debilitating PAIN, Gain Complete CONTROL,
I am very busy and I do not have time to chit-chat, so I'm going to give you the facts and you can do what you want.
The wise listen to what I have to say. Because if there's one thing I know about, it's real-world hard-core Martial Arts.
The kind of Martial Arts that SAVE YOUR LIFE.
The kind of Martial Arts that THE MASSES DON'T KNOW ABOUT.
The kind of Martial Arts that can turn you into a more Powerful, Deadly, Confident, and Peaceful person. Yes, they are all interconnected.
That's why I'm so THRILLED I finally get to share this with you now, because
There's Nothing Better Than Having the Knowledge and Skills to
Handle Whatever the Forces of Darkness Try to Throw Your Way!
Does that make sense?
Of course it does.
That's why you're reading this now. You're one of the Warriors, the people who take responsibility for BECOMING DANGEROUS in order to protect and defend life.
So let's get down to brass tacks about the SECRET SESSIONS where you will discover this information for your self! Here are your 3 teachers on these all-new DVDs:
1. Rick Moneymaker
Here's a Fact-sheet on Rick:
- Won the "Man Of The Year Award" presented by the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
- Inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
- Recognized by the International Society of Headfounders/Headfamilies as an 8th Degree
Black Belt and Soke of TORITE JUTSU
- Awarded the Golden Lifetime Achievement Award
- Inducted into the International Karate and Kickboxing Hall of Fame
- Inducted in Combat Magazines Hall of Fame
- Appeared in five nationally published magazines and five international magazines
- Holds an astonishing list of ‘credentials’
-Kudan (9th degree black belt), Torite-Jutsu
- Kudan (9th degree black belt), Okinawan Kempo Karate-do
- Hachidan (8th degree black belt)
- Rokudan (6th degree black belt) Tae Kwon Do by American Black Belt
- Godan (5th degree black belt), Isshinryu Karate-do
- Yondan (4th degree black belt)
- Aikibudo Nidan (2nd degree black belt) and even Japanese Goju-ryu Karate-do!
The bottom-line: arguably, Rick Moneymaker is one of the
Greatest and Foremost Martial Artists Living Today!
Here's what one of Europe's recognized #1 trainers said about Rick:
"Look - of all the martial arts instructors in the World there are tons of ‘masters’ – and they all talk the talk. But it’s very rare that you find anyone who can walk the walk.
Of the VAST majority of them, you can simply walk through what they are doing with a bit of aggression and street smarts.
But you know that what they are doing will FAIL under pressure!
It’s only when you train with Rick that you can...
Experience the Sheer True Capability
and realize that this is completely different to what anyone else is doing.
Most top trainers in the world can learn more in one weekend with Rick than with all my previous ‘knowledge’ put together. The way he Breaks Down the Secrets into bite-sized chunks makes it easy for anyone to understand and apply is AWESOME!
ALL you need to do with Rick is do as it he says and you WILL gain explosive domination skills over your opponents, and what you learn you won’t learn from anywhere else!”
Now let's meet your next personal coach...
2. Professor Tom Muncy
Here's Just "some" of Tom’s remarkable credentials…
Yes, Tom is actually a Professor. And he’s also a researcher and instructor in Chinese acupuncture theory - as applied to the martial arts. Tom’s been in the game for 48 years and has attained numerous awards and credentials, including....
- Judan, 10th Degree Black Belt in Torite Jutsu
- Hachidan, 8th Degree Black Belt in Okinawan Kempo
- 6th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do
- 5th Degree Black Belt in Aikibudo
- A Doctorate of Martial Arts AND inducted into the Martial Arts ‘Hall Of Fame’
the same year!
In short, Tom Muncy is the BEST when it comes to
Pressure Point Fighting, MERIDIAN ATTACKS, and
Devastating Street Self-Defense!
Now let's get to your 3rd and final trainer
3. Russell Stutely
You might want to sit down for this!
If you know anything about Martial Arts at all, you probably know who Russell Stutely is. Here's a short "refresher" list (you might want to sit down for this!) Russell Stutely is...
- World-recognized Martial Arts Master, elite fighter, author, and Europe's Leading Authority on Pressure Points
- Recipient of Martial Arts Instructional DVD of the Year Award (SENI - Europe's largest Martial Arts Trade Show)
- Regular Columnist for dozens of top Martial Arts Publications including Combat and Martial Arts llustrated
- OCFM International Coach
- Combat Hall of Famer & World Martial Arts Hall of Famer
- 6th Dan Karate Jutsu – Recognized by the BCA (The UK’s leading Self Defense Group)
- Dozens of raving testimonials from officers in multiple law enforcement agencies he's trained, which include: Surrey police, Lancashire police, Undercover Police units (UK), FBI OperativesPolice departments in Massachusetts, Florida, Tennessee, New Orleans, New Jersey, Connecticut, Virginia, Chicago, and more ...
I could write an entire book each on Rick Moneymaker, Tom Muncy, and Russell Stutely, and it would be an actual Encyclopedia of several hundred pages of Martial Knowledge and How to Cause
Maximum Destruction to the Human Body of any Attacker
Now you've got all 3 of them TOGETHER in these exclusive, No-B.S. all pure content DVDs!
But don't take my word for it! Order these DVDs and see it for yourself! I know you'll LOVE it, and probably agree that it's BETTER than I've described here.
Because when just one of these guys walk into a room, fireworks go off. But when all THREE got together, it was like an explosion –
an Explosion of Secrets on How to FIGHT and WIN,
and how to DOMINATE any Attacker or Situation!
Would you like to have been in that room with them?
What would you have done to get there, to learn from this setup, to actually STEAL the secrets that were revealed in this intimate closed-door session?
Would you like a front-line pass to this "Meeting of the Masters" that would enable you to acquire some Serious Skills Practically Overnight?
If so, then here's what you need to do RIGHT NOW:
Order the "Secret Sessions" 6 DVD set at an awesome discount price of only $197.00 Inc Shipping and Handling
You'll also get these FREE BONUSES worth over $440.00 (Yes, you get MORE THAN twice the value in Free bonuses alone!)
Bonus #1: 2 x Players DVDs from Russell Stutely - Value $59.90
Bonus #2: DVD Downloads; Locks and Takedowns, Chokes and Strangles - Value $39.90
Bonus #3: Book Download: Karate: The Hidden Secrets - Value $19.95
Bonus #4: Pressure Point Database (MS Access) - Value $300.00
This offer is only good for 10 days (until June 9th), so ORDER NOW.
Your Secret Sessions package will ship right out, and you'll immediately get the Free Downloads to start your learning!
Your package will arrive at your door soon. In the meantime, enjoy reading all of the golden powerful secrets that you'll find in it!
Rick’s favorite simple little stance that multiplies power several-fold. Takes a whole 10 seconds or so to put into action – copy this for yourself as soon as you see it!
Torque hitting secrets; how to use the power of ‘torque’ to blast an opponent like something out of a video game, leaving him reeling dizzy and in a state of SHOCK
Why the body is built to withstand damage over a large surface area...and why using this little fact will enable you to break ribs like snapping pencils! (like Rick shows you)
How to use IMPALING to cause excruciating pain to your attacker!
A nose-septum breaking technique that leaves an opponent unable to respond!
A devastating ‘BREAKING' technique – this one is particularly Powerful and CRUEL
How to use Conception Vessel 24 to create an instantaneous knockout in a matter how big, strong or mean he is!
What to REALLY do to finish the fight INSTANTLY
How Rick can use one finger to knock a guy’s legs from under him. Yes, with ONE finger! You can do the same...once Rick shows you how on these DVDs!!! (that will arrive at your door in just a few days!)
A pressure point to use which the attacker won’t see coming that will render his legs useless. Yes, USELESS!
Rick’s favourite technique – a strike to the pubic bone that people can’t even see! This means your opponent is instantly incapacitated and you can literally finish the fight in one second!
How to use ‘torque’ in conjunction with meridians to cause excruciating pain in your attacker
How to render the attacker’s eyeball useless with a Simple Secret Strike
A secret technique taught to the US marines and military that is super easy to use (literally a four year old could do this) – and why UFC and mixed martial arts fighters HATE it!
How to use a simple point on the neck and a SINGLE KNUCKLE to drop a guy (this point is incredibly sensitive and you will be one of the few people who even know about its existence)
How to quickly make your attacker feel SICK (then you can STOMP them easily)
How to use the five-element theory to increase the pain on ANY technique you choose
How to literally blow apart an opponent’s muscle (only to be used in extreme scenarios)
How to use the point ‘Pericardium 8’ to get more power...using yin and yang with your chi-kung attacks...and plenty more!!!
A really ‘nasty’ ‘SPIRAL’ technique that Russell hopes you’d never have to use (I hope for your attacker’s sake you never have to use it either!
‘Severe’ takeouts and takedowns that mustn’t be used in anything other than EXTREME street scenarios!
How to use Russell’s concept of ‘100 little soldiers’ to ensure that any blow you make to any attacker is a finisher that ensures HE WON'T COME BACK
What World-Champion boxers and kickboxers do WRONG when it comes to striking – you’ll notice an immediate and huge difference in the power you have over your attacker or training partner!
I could write another 20 pages here just to outline all that you get in the "Secret Sessions" DVDs, but remember how I said I do not have time to chit-chat? :-)
Alright then. I've given you all the information. The choice is yours. Get this information for yourself. Or, sit on your duff and it will pass you by. I sure know what I would do, because this is once-in-a-lifetime KILLER stuff that you can't find anywhere else.