Monday, 25 May 2015

Make That Change

Hi My Friend

We have just had a weekend of some great fights in the UFC.

Weidman - Retains his belt
DC - Claims the LHW Title
Arlovski - Wins a great TKO over Browne

Why the title of this email ''Make That Change''?

Well, the one thing all these fighters have in common is that they made a change... for the better.

D.C first... he stood in the pocket against Johnson and nearly paid the price.

So, he made the change to what works best... he got him against the cage, then down and then wore him out and got the choke.

Weidman... realized, although he was defending superbly, that he needed to step back from Belfort and away from the flurry.
Enabling himself to make that change, get the take down and give him a whupping.

Arlovski - started to get too careless... nearly paid the price... then made the change to be more accurate, take slightly more time and then got the TKO very quickly.

All of these fighters adapted, made changes and made it work for them.

That is what Martial Arts is all about - being able to adapt what you know, change what you are doing wrong, in an instant.

Being able to recognise those slight / or even large errors... being able to change what you are doing. Being able to APPLY what you know will work best for YOU in the CURRENT Situation... this is what separates the best from the rest.

This same principle should be used when applying a single technique, you may well have to change completely what you are doing... or simply just adapt it for the CURRENT Situation.

This ability to ''adapt a technique'' rather than simply learning that a technique can only be done a certain way, again is what separates the best from the rest.

This is what we, as Coaches strive to teach correctly every day of our lives.

If you are a fighter, or learning for self defense, then this is what you should be striving to learn and apply every time you train.

Sometimes it may only require the smallest of changes to get a technique working properly - proper training, learning, understanding and analysis of how and why techniques work will help you to achieve this.

So, next time you training and it's not working - ANALYZE why and learn to make that change.

Till next time

Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Multiplied Force Fighting System

This week I have let you know about the incredible Multiplied Force Fighting System - from Europe's Top Expert - Russell Stutely.
Here is what other experts think:
"Russell can show anyone how to turn on so much power that they can devastate any street punk or attacker. Russell WILL change the way you train and how you defend yourself, forever."
 - Herol "Bomber" Graham. 3 Time British, European and Commonwealth Boxing Champion
"Russell makes Pressure Points easy to use. He has transformed my Martial Arts"
. - Bob Sykes - 7th Dan Karate. Editor of Martial Arts Illustrated.
"Whether you are an experienced Martial Artist, or beginner, these DVDs are essential in understanding how true power is developed Russell understand the reality of combat and has taught many of the most respected practical combatants in the UK6 I have worked with Russell for many years and can personally vouch for the effectiveness of every technique shown= Buy these DVDs=. Double or treble your impact for half the normal effort - It's a fact!"
- Peter Consterdine 9th Dan. The Worlds leading Self Protection Expert
If these World renowned experts rate Russell so highly, then this has gotta be worth a look.

Russell has spent his life researching and training with the Worlds elite to ensure that he has the best system available anywhere!
Russell has always been extremely 'scientific' in his approach.
Everything has to be easy to learn, easy to replicate and easy to teach.
Russell calls his new approach to fighting "The Multiplied Force Fighting System".
It is systematic. It is Scientific. And it Deliberately addresses the problem most people face: wanting to learn a super-effective real-world self defense system -but not having the time to learn.
Here is the bottom line: you simply DON'T need endless moves and such like.
You NEED something that works RIGHT out of the box.
Something that can be picked up and used IMMEDIATELY.
One, Two and finish the fight!
There are only four components to this incredible system
What is on the DVD Set?
DVD 1 - Power Generation
This DVD covers the fundamentals required to ensure that you gain the MAXIMUM benefit from the MFFS.
Learn to DOUBLE or even TREBLE your Impact whilst utilising HALF of the normal effort.
DVD 2 - Placement Point Technology
How to utilise the weak areas of the body in the most effective way.
This is the true "appliance of science"
DVD 3 - Back Up Support System
What to do when it all goes wrong. Yes... Russell has thought of everything.
IF you make a mistake and all is going wrong, then this is what you need next!
DVD 4 - Using MFFS in Real life Scenarios
Step by step instruction in the most common street scenarios and how to utilise MFFS correctly.
DVD 5 - Devastating MFFS Knockouts
How to use the system to K.O and / or completely disable your opponent.
The Complete MFFS 5 DVD Set - Delivered to Your Door - Posted within 7 Days
IPOD Downloadable Version of EACH DVD - IMMEDIATE Download
PC/ Android Downloadable Version of EACH DVD - IMMEDIATE Download
All for ONLY $147.00
Pressure Point Database (MS Access) - Immediate Download
Pressure Point Listing (MS Excel) - Immediate Download
PDF Book - Karate - The Hidden Secrets - Immediate Download
Areas of Attack DVD - Immediate Download

Saturday, 4 April 2015

4 Ways to Knock out an Attacker


There is nothing safer in a self-defense situation than an opponent who is unconscious.
In that state he can do you no harm, any weapons are nullified, and you have ample time to
Does that make sense?
Today I am going to share with You How to actually KNOCK OUT Your Attacker!
I know you will appreciate this real-world kick-ass "how to"

4 ways to Knock Out your Attacker

1. The Strangle:
It is so quick, painless and efficient, that your opponent does not even know he is in trouble
until it's too late and he's in la-la land!
It's this simple: The strangle cuts off the blood and if done RIGHT is painless. Your attacker
does not FIGHT it like he does a Choke attempt (because that hurts like hell).
Self-Defense How-To: Wrap your arm around their neck making sure that your elbow joint is in line with the middle of the neck (under the adams apple)
Do a figure four (grabbing your wrist with your other hand) and squeeze your bicep whilst lifting slightly upwards. When done hard and fast, they are out in less than a second.
2. The Brain Rattle:
One simple brain-rattling point is on the mustache - it releases the neck muscle INSTANTLY
and allows MASSIVE brain shake, for the simplest of Knockouts.
Have you ever seen those old movies where people had a mustache that went all the way
down to the jawline?
Well, where it meets the jaw is a point called St4... hit that down and across the face hard for
an instant Brain-Rattling Knockout!
3. The Pressure-Point Knockout 

This one is sure to become one of your favorites because
you can take out the attacker with ease... now used by Police and security that I've trained all over the World.
It can be accessed from so many situations., yet it is BANNED in ALL SPORTS FIGHTING
Ever wonder why?
You won't find the material I teach you in sports gymns or strip-mall dojos, my friend. When
you're certified in THIS, you kick ass.
The Pressure Point just under the occipital bone on the back of the head... a direct line from
bottom of ear to spine... half way along... on both sides of the head (you can hit either)
Just give it a solid "whack!" and watch them go out like a light! This is ideal for the clinch or for taking out an attacker from behind.
4. The Bitch Slap:
Just slap them into oblivion!
The correct way to generate ENORMOUS Power in striking and just slap 'em to sleep!
This is one that my Police and Security guys LOVE. Great for civilian INSTANT Self Defense too!
He slapped the guy... thats all.. he just slapped him... So simple and yet DEVASTATINGLY
Its all about generating power and using my simple method to Put Bodyweight Behind the
Strike and make your hand feel like a 200Kg sledgehammer...
And no it ain't no mumbo-jumbo that takes years to master... you can learn this in a few
It's much Easier to show you how directly on my all-new DVDs and online training program. I promise you, I'll have you up and fighting like a champ in no time, or your money back.
Is that fair enough?
Your package will ship right out, and I'll immediately email you a link to your Free Downloads so you can begin the Certification Process

Wednesday, 14 January 2015




WARNING: This may not be for you. You Will See Blood.

You will see Attackers with Unfair Advantages and Multiple Attackers all Get Their @** KICKED... and then you’ll learn exactly how to do it for yourself. 

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. The word is out already and over 100 pre-orders have come in.
Russell Stutely, a worldwide Martial Arts authority and Europe’s #1 Pressure Points Coach has broken the mould of what instructional videos should be.
This is a GAME-CHANGER that will forever change how martial arts instruction is filmed and presented. You probably already know that Russell’s lifetime in Martial Arts and multiple Black Belts make him a walking encyclopia of violent know-how. When you add his countless real-world altercations in security and streetfights, it’s like throwing a bucket of gasoline on an open fire.
Russell decided to take Martial Arts instruction to a whole new level by adding this Explosive Reality in real-world violent attack scenarios.
You will see attacks occur in one of the most dangerous bars in the Philippines. You will see blood and teeth fly as he stops attackers cold with a flurry of devastation and pressure-point destruction.
Then, you’ll see Russell SCIENTIFICALLY break down what happened for you - so you can understand it and learn it for yourself at your own rate.
Each technique, each move laid out in perfect order from multiple angles. Here’s a list of the techniques you get on 3 dvds, 3 downloads, and online access to the Hardcore Fighting Secrets Techniques Database (where you can even download each technique individually!)
Look At Just Some Of The Techniques You Will Master:
  • Enter Under Cover - Safely Attack the Attacker
  • Gorilla Pull - This is PURE EVIL
  • Lung Collapser - This is Just Plain Nasty
  • Bladder and Bowel Release - OMG - See the bad guy urinate in a heap on the floor after being hit
  • One Arm Strangle - Multiple Attacker Technique
  • Brachial Stun - Instant K.O Baby
  • Thai Strangle - You NEED to learn this one - Multiple Attacker Technique
  • Much More
Wow. Just IMAGINE knowing all of those techniques! Well, guess what? You can. They’re right here for you. And even if you knew just a few of them... do you really think your attacker would even stand a chance? Exactly. Look, Here’s the Bottom Line:
You get all of this in a perfect package you get to keep forever
The above would clearly be a great deal at 4 or 500 bucks, but this info is so great, so phenomenal, we’re going to let you have it at a HUGE discount on one condition!
After you’ve seen it, you must promise to tell all your friends about it!
Is that fair?
Okay then, here’s your discount price for all of the above: $147.00 until June 15th.
After that, it goes up 100.00 bucks to $247.00.
So Order Now! and save 100.00 bucks and get the Free Online Bonuses!
Praise is coming in from around the world from top Martial Artists who were sent advanced copies of Hardcore Fighting Secrets.
We know you’ll feel the same way.
In fact, we GUARANTEE it:
Russell is so confident you’ll love this material he’s backing it with a
Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
With nothing to lose and the best fighting skills to gain, go ahead and order your own set of Hardcore Fighting Secrets right now!

Praise is coming in from around the world from top Martial Artists who were sent advanced copies of Hardcore Fighting Secrets. We know you'll feel the same way. In fact, we GUARANTEE it:
Russell is so confident you'll love this material he's backing it with a Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
With nothing to lose and the best fighting skills to gain, go ahead and order your own set of Hardcore Fighting Secrets right now!