Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Make Them Miss Make Them Pay

I'm about to say something very controversial.

Some instructors and MMA fans might hate me for it,
but the truth is the truth.

First of all, I respect any professional MMA Fighter.
They train hard and are tough, formidable opponents.

However, a few weeks ago in a UFC match I watched
Daniel Cormier hold Alexander Gustafson's head down
and strike him well over 30 times... and didn't knock him out!

That just plain should NOT happen.

I get frustrated if it takes TWO strikes to knock someone out.

I know. I've done it. And I've trained many professional boxers
who have done it.

One Strike, One Knockout.


No matter how big and bad they are.

That's why I created my all-new DVD Set called
Make Them Miss, Make Them Pay so that you can
know it too and be able to easily not get hit, and
slip in almost invisibly to knock out your attacker.

You'll learn how to "disappear", and then move in and
knock them out cold, no matter what your level of experience.

These are simple "magic-like" secrets that even pro boxers don't know!
(they pay me big dollars to teach them, I'm going to teach you for pennies)

You'll learn how to move away and get closer (yes, read that again)

This IS the Game Changer in your fighting skills.

And only you, my loyal subscribers, can get it.

I'm not letting my friends and affiliates email this to their lists.

It is strictly for you, half-off through Cyber Monday.

Is that fair enough?

Order now, and I promise you, you'll be on your way to a
whole new level of fighting skill.

>> Make Them Miss, Make Them Pay! <<

Your Pressure Point Coach,
Russell Stutely

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