Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Martial Arts Is Great

Martial Arts Is Great

How not training poisons everything.
Over the last 20+ years I have seen so many friends and colleagues within the Martial Arts stop training.

In my humble opinion, this has poisoned their lives in so many ways.

They have become: fat, unfit, lost confidence and are in the main, leading fairly boring existences (I do not want to even say lives).

It appears that the passion they once had for training and all the benefits of that have become substituted by a lifestyle that contradicts everything they once held dear.

Maybe you know people who have gone along this same path? Maybe this rings a bell with you?

Any time I have been forced to stop training for any period... i.e injured to the point I could not train. I felt that things were heading in the wrong direction.

Too easy to lay down on the sofa and watch TV, too easy to eat too much, too easy to have a few too many beers.

All these things are more than ok as long as they form a very small part of your life. All these things are ok in moderation.

BUT... They are not ok, when they BECOME your lifestyle.

They are NOT OK, when you are no longer training.

It is paramount that we all continue to train and train properly. It is training that gives us the impetus to lead a great life.

If you are an Instructor, then you know how many peoples lives you can affect in a positive manner. How many people you can and probably have already helped in such a great way.

Your students do not have to be great fighters or anything like that, just the fact that they train and can have a lifestyle that promotes all those great attributes associated with it, is enough.

As Instructors we have a duty to keep training, we have a duty to stay fit and healthy. We have a duty to get our friends and colleagues BACK into training or simply just to start!

So, next time you are thinking of missing a training session to lay on the sofa... get up and go training. It may well be a crappy session, but at least you did it.

As an example... today i am super tired for some reason... I am due to go Boxing in a few minutes.... I looked at the sofa... It was shouting.. Russell... come and lay down and relax...

Boy is that an invite!

Instead... I decided to write to you ... and get off my ass and go Boxing.

Do NOT get posioned my friend... more on this subject another day - Boxing time now!

Till then

Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

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