Friday, 29 June 2018

Self Defence Is Like Window Cleaning

Hi My Friend

Over the years I have had countless, well 8714 questions actually, over the best way to train for Pressure Points.

One of my best answers is to use the old political trick of -  answer a question with a question ... and here it is.

''If you wanted to be the best Window Cleaner in the World... what would you do?''

The vast majority answer with ''Clean windows''.

And then it dawns on them what they need to do...

I then say things along the lines of...

Start with small easy to clean windows on the ground floor... with low to no risk of injury.

Gradually build up till you can abseil down ridiculously tall buildings in a gale force wind and clean any window you want.

It is the same with all your Martial Arts / Self Defense training... you have to start somewhere... you have to get that foundation right.

That is why we start with all the Players etc that you need in order to really make Pressure Points work.

Pressure Points then become a natural part of what you are doing... because all the Players are in place.

How to do this?

It is, unfortunately, the same old answer... here is another question as an answer...

''If you want to get really good at something... what would you do?''

Answer is usually.. ''Practice it till I got really good at it''

I make no excuse for (and indeed never have) that this is a learned skill.

You have to train, drill, practice, learn, test, pressure test... just like you do ( or should be doing) with the rest of your training.

I have a mentoring client with me at the moment... who has transformed his (already good) abilities in a few short weeks.

Movement, distance, timing ability to hit on the move, get in apply, apply and hit on the way in/out... keep covered etc are so so much better.

The client of today would destroy the one that arrived day one - and we still have another 1.5 weeks to go!

That is down to one simple aspect of training... drilling in the correct way.

It is pointless doing drills that bear no resemblance to what you are trying to achieve... unless you just want to get good at a drill.

Drilling has to have meaning and purpose.

Remember: All my courses have everything broken down into little step by step lessons... there is  a BIG reason for this.

You need to drill these ''little moments in time'' to understand how to apply them for real.

It is pointless drilling a jab a million times a year if there is no thought process and situational ''play'' when drilling.

Same with all the basics you do in Karate for example... ''most'' schools drill up and down for ages... with no real purpose.

They say they are looking to perfect the technique... well here is the news... you will never be perfect...

You should be trying to be perfectly able to APPLY the technique... that is what you should be drilling.

Try it in you next session... take something simple like a jab...

  • Drill trying to land it in various situiations
  • Drill trying to defend it in various situations

If you are a grappler... then try evading the jab and getting to your takedown for example

If you are a striker... then try evading the jab and getting to your best strike

REMEMBER: The jab returns at the same speed it goes out... and there is normally another shot coming... so your defense needs to be done in the jab timeframe and not longer.

This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ASPECT of drilling... that you understand fully what the drill is for and how it would apply for real.

Start light and slow... build confidence and ability and then speed it up... you will be amazed at the results.

Till next time
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

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