Friday, 30 September 2016

The Slightest Delay = Damage

Hi My Friend
Over the last few days we have informed you about the incredible DVD Download from The Worlds Leading Expert, Russell Stutely
<a href="">Fit to Fight</a>
One of the KEYS to defending yourself is to NEVER DELAY your decision.
Russell is the first to acknowledge that it can take a will of iron, when it comes to a real, brutal potential street fight.
This is where delays, indecision etc can lead to you being hit, badly hurt, or even worse!
Russell STRONGLY advises that you trust your ‘’gut feeling’’, you either:
  • Get Stuck In at 100%, or
  • Get outta there at 100%
And you do this IMMEDIATELY!
Don’t hang around if you don’t have to. Do NOT let ego get in the way.
As Russell says, we ALL have egos, we all hate to lose face, we all hate to be threatened.
BUT – Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and get the hell outta Dodge!
IF you have NO CHOICE, then you need to ‘’get stuck in’’ and do it with 100% commitment.
This and so much more is detailed for you in Russells DVD Download here:
You owe it to yourself and your loved ones, to check this out right now.


You are only as good as your last session

Hi My Friend
I bet that you have had this feeling after a particularly stunning training session:
You are so tired you struggle to move
You are so tired you have the shakes
You are drained of all energy
These are typical symptoms of a hard and thorough training session.
You feel great that you have finished a punishing routine and KNOW that you are making your body Fitter and Healthier.
You are on track to the perfect you!
Unfortunately, this is also the time when you are at your weakest and most vulnerable to attack.
Fortunately, we have the answer for you:

This information could save your life or that of your loved ones.
It is crucial that we look after our bodies and health in all aspects:
  1. Training
  2. Nutrition
  3. Rest
  4. HOW TO DEFEND ourselves in the event of an assault
You owe it to yourself to check this out right now:


Monday, 26 September 2016

Are You Really Looking After Your Body?

Hi My Friend
As you know, we fully understand how crucial it is to look after your body with the correct:
  • Training
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
We have all strived to achieve the very best in those areas that we can.
We want to BE fit and healthy and REMAIN fit and healthy!
But what if you are out enjoying a quiet drink with a friend or your partner and the next minute - BAM!
You are attacked!
Violent attacks are ever on the increase – and unfortunately it can happen at anytime.
Well.... we have the answer for you.
After years of security work... years of teaching security... and the combined experience of all those people he has worked with, Russell Stutely – The Worlds Leading Pressure Point Fighting Expert has put together a DVD that will blow your mind.
Russell has been teaching Police, Military, Security and people just like you for the best part of 20 Years.
During that time, from official figures, Russell knows the EXACT type of attacks your MOST likely to face.
He has even listed them in order.
Not only that, he will show you the VERY BEST way to defend against these attacks and render your opponent:
Down and Out
Unable to Fight Back
These are simple, quick and easy to use.
This Downloadable DVD, available immediately after purchase, details 1.5 Hours of the best instruction available.
And to add to the benefits … it has been MASSIVELY Discounted for our Customers only.
Check out the Video here: 
You will be glad that you did!


What if you had One day to save your life!

Dear Friend
Over the last few days I have sent you information on Russell Stutelys Power Strikes System.
If you are anything like me, you now are beginning to understand the true POWER of Russell's approach - and why I am so excited about it.
I asked Russell what is the best way to defend yourself / make sure that you are no longer in danger from the Bully / Street thug etc.
His response was illuminating:
‘’ Obviously, the best situation is one where you are not even there.
The 2nd best situation is one that you can ‘’talk down’’ and walk away.
HOWEVER… When you have no choice and you KNOW that you are going to be in a fight then you HAVE to strike first.
With Power Strikes, you should end the fight with one strike… If not, HIT THEM AGAIN and make sure of the job.
If still not. HIT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN – Till the threat is over – THEN STOP!
There is nothing safer than an attacker who is UNCONSCIOUS! He can’t hurt you, he can’t stab you, he can’t shoot you and he can’t call for his friends.
If there truly is a threat – knock the attacker out cold.
It’s a horrible truth that when there is no other option, extreme violence beats normal violence.
No-one likes to admit… But I never sugar coat anything. If you delay, you could get badly hurt or worse.
If you do not go in with full intent – you could get badly hurt or otherwise.
If you are going to HIT – Then do it like your life depends on it… you could well be right!
Imagine the worst case scenario in your mind.. channel that anger and explode!’’
Wow… that was a lot to take in and think about
When it has gone wrong and you know it’s time to fight then you just have to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Russell will show you how:
Power Strikes >>>>
Dear Friend
Over the last few days I have sent you information on Russell Stutelys Power Strikes System.
If you are anything like me, you now are beginning to understand the true POWER of Russell's approach - and why I am so excited about it.
I asked Russell what is the best way to defend yourself / make sure that you are no longer in danger from the Bully / Street thug etc.
His response was illuminating:
‘’ Obviously, the best situation is one where you are not even there.
The 2nd best situation is one that you can ‘’talk down’’ and walk away.
HOWEVER… When you have no choice and you KNOW that you are going to be in a fight then you HAVE to strike first.
With Power Strikes, you should end the fight with one strike… If not, HIT THEM AGAIN and make sure of the job.
If still not. HIT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN – Till the threat is over – THEN STOP!
There is nothing safer than an attacker who is UNCONSCIOUS! He can’t hurt you, he can’t stab you, he can’t shoot you and he can’t call for his friends.
If there truly is a threat – knock the attacker out cold.
It’s a horrible truth that when there is no other option, extreme violence beats normal violence.
No-one likes to admit… But I never sugar coat anything. If you delay, you could get badly hurt or worse.
If you do not go in with full intent – you could get badly hurt or otherwise.
If you are going to HIT – Then do it like your life depends on it… you could well be right!
Imagine the worst case scenario in your mind.. channel that anger and explode!’’
Wow… that was a lot to take in and think about
When it has gone wrong and you know it’s time to fight then you just have to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Russell will show you how:
Power Strikes >>>> POWER STRIKES
<<<< Click This Link
<<<< Click This Link

Sunday, 25 September 2016

World’s Most PERFECT Fighting System

Dear Friend

Over the last few days I have told you about Russell Stutely (Worlds No.1 Expert) and his incredible fighting system.
No beating about the bush... you need to check this out now!
Power Strikes >>>> POWER STRIKES
<<<< Click This Link
Here is a small selection of what you are about to learn:
  • “Live” examples (with two training partners) on the right and wrong ways to perform Russell’s Power Strikes…cementing the learning experience and ensuring you pick this material up as quickly as possible!
  • Why too much tension in strikes is the ‘starting point’ of what most people do wrong with their martial arts training…and how Russell’s secret of ‘controlled pliability’ will change the way you look at hitting an opponent forever!
  • Application-specific examples of applying Russell’s power strikes. Lift your opponent off his feet in pain!
  • Why and how to apply this material so it’s like the difference between hitting someone with a daffodil or a sledgehammer!
  • Why you can devastate one or multiple opponents with simple strikes with a power injection that only Russell can give you (you can use the Power Strikes against multiple opponents too, or armed opponents!)
  • How small shifts in striking strategy can garner huge changes in your results…and what to do to apply this to your own style…doubling your power with half the effort. Take out any opponent with ease.
  • Why hitting someone in the face with Russell’s Power Strikes is likely too dangerous…and where to hit instead for maximum impact with minimum chance of total wipeout.
  • How to use Power Strikes in different planes of movement. Using these planes, you’ll be able to apply this material in nearly all situations. NEVER be out-surprised again. Learn how to take out an opponent in any scenario.

Power Strikes >>>> POWER STRIKES<<<< Click This Link
Always working for you

Saturday, 24 September 2016

One, Two and Finish the Fight

Dear Friend

Yesterday I told you about my friend and leading self defense expert, Russell Stutely and Power Strikes
Russell has spent his life researching and training with the Worlds elite to ensure that he has the best system available anywhere!
Russell has always been extremely ‘scientific’ in his approach.
Everything has to be easy to learn, easy to replicate and easy to teach.
Russell calls his new approach to fighting Power Strikes
It is systematic. It is Scientific. And it Deliberately addresses the problem that most people face: wanting to learn a super-effective real-world self defense system -but not having the time to learn.
Here is the bottom line: you simply DON'T need endless moves and such like.
You NEED something that works RIGHT out of the box.
Something that can be picked up and used IMMEDIATELY.
One, Two and finish the fight!
There are only four components to this incredible system
• Simplicity
• Speed
• Power
• Placement
Check it out here
Power Strikes >>>> POWER STRIKES<<<< Click This Link
Always working for you

Friday, 23 September 2016

The New Way To Fight!

Dear Friend
When it comes to self protection, one of the most important aspects is knowing what to do when everything has gone wrong.
You can’t access your weapon, you don’t have a weapon!
You are going to have to defend yourself or your loved ones with the only weapon available – You!
I am writing to you today regarding some remarkable developments in the world of REAL SELF DEFENSE.
Forget belts, long hours of "training" and endless learning of boring, ineffective and overly complex moves.
What you are about to see and read is a NEW WAY TO FIGHT
It simply blows away traditional Martial Arts.... It's something that blows away even so called "Military" systems.
Plus... it's praised by the press, by World Champion Boxers and by scores of the best and brightest self protection experts.
fer=dink52&pid=3It is called Power Strikes and was created by the Worlds No.1 Expert, Russell Stutely.

Power Strikes >>>> POWER STRIKES
<<<< Click This Link

Russell is somewhat of a legend in Self Defense circles and has been featured on the front cover of the UK’s most prestigious Magazines some 4 times in one year!
His system is ‘Required Learning’ at Police Departments all over the World.
Check it out here
Power Strikes >>>> POWER STRIKES<<<< Click This Link

Always working for you.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Make Them Miss Make Them Pay

I'm about to say something very controversial.

Some instructors and MMA fans might hate me for it,
but the truth is the truth.

First of all, I respect any professional MMA Fighter.
They train hard and are tough, formidable opponents.

However, a few weeks ago in a UFC match I watched
Daniel Cormier hold Alexander Gustafson's head down
and strike him well over 30 times... and didn't knock him out!

That just plain should NOT happen.

I get frustrated if it takes TWO strikes to knock someone out.

I know. I've done it. And I've trained many professional boxers
who have done it.

One Strike, One Knockout.


No matter how big and bad they are.

That's why I created my all-new DVD Set called
Make Them Miss, Make Them Pay so that you can
know it too and be able to easily not get hit, and
slip in almost invisibly to knock out your attacker.

You'll learn how to "disappear", and then move in and
knock them out cold, no matter what your level of experience.

These are simple "magic-like" secrets that even pro boxers don't know!
(they pay me big dollars to teach them, I'm going to teach you for pennies)

You'll learn how to move away and get closer (yes, read that again)

This IS the Game Changer in your fighting skills.

And only you, my loyal subscribers, can get it.

I'm not letting my friends and affiliates email this to their lists.

It is strictly for you, half-off through Cyber Monday.

Is that fair enough?

Order now, and I promise you, you'll be on your way to a
whole new level of fighting skill.

>> Make Them Miss, Make Them Pay! <<

Your Pressure Point Coach,
Russell Stutely

Monday, 19 September 2016

What I’m about to tell you may SHOCK you, offend you, or even
Thrill you at the same time, but you probably need to hear it.

In fact, we all do.

It's called "The Message of SURVIVAL" and it's not nice and feely-goody.

It's Brutal and hard-core.

And it's what every "realist" and "warrior" knows they must hear,
regardless of how uncomfortable it may be.

Be cause when your life is on the line, you need to know how to...

• End a fight in one Bold, Brutal, and Devastating move (not for the feint of heart!)

• Split the Biceps of your street attacker and CAUSE EXCRUCIATING PAIN

• Seize And Control Anyone

• "Trick" your attacker's brain so his body is easily broken

• The 3 Master Keys YOU MUST KNOW to do damage with every strike!

• Painful DAMAGE tactics to terrorize multiple attackers

• How To Beat a Ground-fighter (Not for those who can't handle BLOODY GORE)

• How to take an attacker’s Knife or Gun from them

• 3 Devastating ways to destroy a bigger, stronger, more experienced attacker

The above can be found in my in my all-new "Destroy Your Attacker" package course.

It’s the “for-survival-only” stuff that real martial artists must know.

Because when your life is on the line in a violent attack, this is what you need to
“end it quick.”

No fancy kicks.

No katas.

No boot-camp drills and sports rules.

Hey, I love all that stuff - drills and katas are great for practice.

But I find more and more instructors are leaving out Street Attack Reality -
the BRUTAL self-defense “how-to DESTROY your at tacker” when your life
is on the line, for the martial artist and regular-joe alike.

Because not all of us have time for learning fancy kicks and military drills.

But we still need to know how to stop an attacker DEAD COLD.

That's why I put together this controversial package of my most lethal,
end-it-quick, sure-fire moves and violent knowledge you’d want to save
your life.

It’s that simple.

If you're serious about effectively defending yourself, move quickly on this

Your Pressure Point Coach,
Russell Stutely