Tuesday, 3 July 2018

How to Instantly Improve Performance

Hi My Friend

When it comes to athletes everywhere and achieving peak performance health, there is one thing they all have in common and that is being powerful through the hips.

Regardless of the sport, athletes want to perform at their best every single time they take the field, the court, the cage, the ring or the ice. 

In order to do that, we must have healthy, strong and mobile hips:  Hips that function without pain, tightness or lack of mobility.

A balance in strength exists through the hip flexors, the iliopsoas group and gluteus group which helps keep the body moving and performing at its absolute best.

The ‘power zone’ lies at the center of the human body. 

Sure, the arms and legs are super important for any person or elite athlete, but the source of true power resides within the hips. 

Talk to any coach or trainer all over the world over and they will agree with this simple assessment. 

Without the ability to bend, jump, twist, dive, run or move effectively, an athlete is dead in their tracks, literally.

Athletes from all backgrounds across the world spend a great deal of time working on the balance of strength within their hip area. 

They stretch, strengthen, massage, or anything else that will help them improve hip function. 

Without even realizing it, athletes are helping to not only improve their physical performance but also their mental and emotional function.

Is it any wonder why after doing something physically active, even just a good long walk, you feel emotionally uplifted?

Athletes and others that push their bodies in sports, in the gym or at home, simply feel better and more energetic. 

Case and point: the body was designed to move and not be in a seated position all the time.  But unfortunately for most people, sitting is a large part of our lives and the center of the body is restricted and stressed out.

But that’s NOT the case for many athletes.

The messaging that goes from the lower body to the upper body and back again has less roadblocks, less stress and the signals are stronger.

When stronger signals are passing from head to toe in an athlete, their power production is improved dramatically. 

And as stated at the very beginning, when you increase power, you achieve peak performance health.
 You will be glad that you did!

Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely


Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


Monday, 2 July 2018

#1 Activity That Makes You Look Fat

It may be the most harmless activity known to man, but it's also one of the
biggest dangers to your health.


Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from tight hip
flexors due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair.

If you have tight hip flexors from sitting you can look fat even if you're not!

It's called Bulging Belly Syndrome

Wonder why your stomach still sticks out even though you're hammering the
core exercises every day?

It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles.

The real cause is likely to be tight hip flexors (from sitting too much) , which
cause the lower back to curve pushing out the stomach.

When your hip flexors also known as the psoas works properly it pulls the
abdomen back tucking the tummy in, giving you a strong flat stomach.

That's why some people can look fat with a bulging stomach even if they're not fat.

If you sit a lot (which causes tight hip flexors) and have a belly you want to
get rid of, forget about dieting.

Instead I recommend that you incorporate these 10 Simple Moves into your day.

They take less than 15-minutes to complete.

10 Simple Moves You Should Do So You Don't Look Fat

Give it a try, you'll bring vitality back into your life so that you can be strong, active and energetic for yourself and loved ones.

Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


3 Killer Fight-Winning Tips!

1) Hit Hard and Aim THROUGH the Target

When you strike make sure that your feet are firmly
planted and that you use all of your bodyweight, not
just your arm!

Turn your hip into it and THROW a punch like pitching
a baseball. You can even imagine you have a baseball
in your hand and you are going to ''pitch'' right through
your attacker's jaw!

2) Strike Repeatedly

If the initial strike doesn't get the job done, keep hitting
in the same place until your attacker is stopped.

For example: think of Hockey players grabbing and hitting...
hold the back of the neck and repeatedly elbow the face.

Do not stop Striking until the attacker is either down,
running away, or surrenders, which leads to...

3) Remain Fight-Ready

Remember this: inside the Act of Submission lies the

Do not let your guard down when an attacker surrenders
or appears defeated.

The ancient Samurai called this "Zanshin"
(constant remaining alertness)

Keep vigilant and remain in command and physical
control until you can safely discharge the attacker where
they cannot harm you, which could be when they're
knocked out (you'll learn many Knockouts in Primal Fighting),
allowing them to flee, or handing them off to the authorities.

That's all for today.

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


The Greatest Martial Arts Teacher of All Time

This is a great article for Martial Artists from my friend Scott Bolan,
well worth reading.

Never stop learning!

From Scott Bolan:

Who is the Greatest Martial Arts Teacher of all time?

Is it the most famous one?
Is it the best-selling one?

I learned very early on that skill, fame, fortune and
even beauty do NOT always equal intelligence, integrity
or true quality!

For example, most men often assign intelligence, wisdom
and super powers to a woman simply because she is
outwardly beautiful.

We're socially programmed to do that, as popular culture
worships celebrity and appearance.

Most people watch hours and hours of sitcoms every night,
programming their minds with shallow, witty amusement.

The supposed winner in the sitcom is always the one with
the most sarcasm and clever jargon, as the canned laughter
rolls in.

This conditions us to be stimulated by pablum, having an
emotional response and seeking social proof and acceptance.

It is a process of mental castration of your Warrior's soul.

And just look at the famous actors who can't even hold a
marriage together or stay out of rehab, yet they feel they
are qualified to advise us on elections and foreign policy!

In fact, we often find that the more a person is worshiped
and adored for their talent, beauty or success, the more
their character begins to warp!

This is because of human nature - our animal side, the ego,
is the thing that usually defeats us in the end.

There is a transference of spiritual energy when we follow
the famous, and even when we choose someone as a teacher.

That's why it is vitally important to remember that
ultimately, the best teacher is the one who gives you
MORE POWER & CHOICES than you had before.

When your power and choices increase, you have more
freedom and strength.

That's what it all boils down to.

Years ago I opened a dojo literally 3 doors down from another

"What will they think? Won't they be mad?" a friend said.

"I hope they would think it's a good thing.

Why would they be mad?

Let's make this street a Martial Arts mecca!" I said.

To me, it was like opening a Mexican restaurant next to an
Italian restaurant - no competition at all, simply more

I was teaching a belt-less system (Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do)
and the neighboring school was teaching Tae Kwon Do, a
formal belt system with a nice colorful rainbow of belts.

Many times a seeker would come in looking for a belt system
and I would send them down to the other school.

I must've sent that guy a few dozen students.

He never thanked me, and he forbid his students to study at
my school, or any other styles at all.

I encouraged my students to study any kind of different
style that interested them and to bring what they
learned back to our crucible of truth: the sparring mat.

My interest was simply in helping the students GROW and
become better and more resourceful.

Had I held them back from seeking, I would have been
restricting their growth.

For what purpose?

For ego, for money, for petty insecurities and selfish interests.

So I never hold them back, ever!

A little over a year later my school was the largest in the
area, and I had done almost no advertising.

The newspaper and local radio would often feature me.

It was a favorite of families, college students and professors,
executives, law enforcement and military.

The neighboring school, which had been there over 12
years, never grew.

Another year later and I sold my school for a handsome
profit, and the neighbor went out of business around the
same time, going completely broke.

I grew. I helped my students grow.

The neighboring school did not grow, He "restricted" his
students, and thus himself, and lost in the end.

The Greatest Martial Arts Teacher and Coach of all time,
is the one who expands your POWER and CHOICES, and
does not seek to limit you.

Because ultimately it's not about "him" (the teacher)
or "it" (the style or system), it's about YOU (the student).

Bruce Lee said that "all knowledge is self-knowledge"

Consensus and opinion polls do not give us the greatest
teachers, they only give us the most popular.

The greatest teacher may or may not be popular, but he
is the one who assists you in discovering your own path
to the Great Warrior within you.

Never "restrict" your learning, never restrict your student's
growth, and never stop growing and expanding your Power!

Scott Bolan

PS Scott and I have developed an amazing new
home study course called Primal Fighting Secrets.
You can learn this in just minutes a day!
Take the next step on your path to Martial Mastery,
>> Check It Out Here! <<

Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


Sunday, 1 July 2018

Most men want to be Tough - to be strong enough
in mind and body to handle any situation.

Toughness is made of 3 components:

1. Confidence
2. Courage
3. Resolve

Now, if you add Skill to that you have a man who is
damn near Unbeatable!

The reason most men fall short of this is because they
are plagued with self-doubt, and they worry about the
opinions of others.

In other words, they are directed by FEAR.

And fear is your enemy's greatest weapon against you.

It's also the greatest obstacle between you and anything
you want to achieve.

The truly Tough man is the one who is not directed by Fear.

The way to get rid of fear, permanently, is to train your
mind to give up your emotional attachment to the outcome.

What I mean by that is - when you were younger, maybe
in high school or college - did you ever notice that the guy
who has all the hot women seems as if he couldn't care less?

But the guy who is desperate couldn't get a date to save his life.

You could say the guy with all the hottest girlfriend has lots of
money, but in reality that is rarely the case.

Have you ever noticed that someone with money tends to make
more money?

But the guy who's broke tends to constantly be broke and

The guy who is lacking in both situations is emotionally attached
to the outcome. He "needs it too badly."

Thus, he is sending out an energy that is actually pushing away
what he wants!

The one who has all the money, the hot chicks, etc, is putting
off a Primal energy that attracts rather than repels.

Does that make sense?

I'm sure you can remember noticing someone who radiates
a Primal Strength.

He's not "peacocking" or looking for a fight.

But there is something about him that tells you
he is not one to be messed with.

Men respect him, and women are subconsciously attracted
to his strength.

You know this is true, you've seen it before.

And here's great news: YOU can have that same Primal strength!

We show you how, along with the exact Skills to destroy an attacker
at will, in the new Primal Fighting Secrets home study course.

While you're waiting for your package, you can start by training
your mind to let go of your emotional attachment  to the outcome,
and Be as Bold as a Lion.

A Lion isn't afraid of you. He isn't afraid of losing.

He doesn't even think about it.

He just attacks, instinctively.

Go for what you want in that way.

Kick the ball out ahead of you and chase it, and stop thinking
so much.

I'm not saying to be careless and foolhardy.

I'm saying deliberately develop Toughness and replace your
self-doubt with it.

If you look deep enough, you might find fear has been
affecting everything you do.

But as of right now, now that you know this, it doesn't have
to be that way any longer.

What a great way to Live.

What a great way to START.

We specifically designed Primal Fighting Secrets to give you
the information you need to develop personal toughness and
formidable skills very quickly.

Just hurry up, okay?

It's at a sweet discount with 900.00 in
Free Bonuses for a very limited time
You will be glad that you did!
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


4 Ways to Knock Out an Attacker

There is nothing safer in a self-defense situation than an opponent
who is unconscious.

In that state he can do you no harm, any weapons are nullified, and
you have ample time to escape.

Does that make sense?

Today I am going to share with You How to actually KNOCK OUT
Your Attacker!

I know you will appreciate this real-world kick-ass "how to":

1. The Strangle:

Wrap your arm around their neck making sure that your elbow
joint is in line with the middle of the neck (under the adams apple)

Do a figure four (grabbing your bicep with your other hand) and
squeeze your elbows together while lifting slightly upwards. When done
hard and fast, they are out in less than a second.

2. The Brain Rattle:

One simple brain-rattling point is on the mustache - it releases
the neck muscle INSTANTLY and allows MASSIVE brain shake.

Have you ever seen those old movies where people had a
mustache that went all the way down to the jawline?

Well, where it meets the jaw is a pressure point called St4... hit
that down and hard across the face for an instant Brain-Rattling

3. The Pressure-Point Knockout - This one is sure to become one of
your favorites because you can take out the attacker with ease... it is
now used by Police and security that I've trained all over the World.

It can be accessed from so many situations., yet it is BANNED in

Ever wonder why?

Because it ends the fight instantly.

You won't find the material we teach you in sports gyms or strip-mall
McDojos, my friend. When you learn THIS, you kick ass.

The Pressure Point is just under the occipital bone on the back of
the head... a direct line from the bottom of the ear to spine...
half way along... on both sides of the head (you can hit either) it is
called GB20 if you wanna look it up!

Just give it a solid "whack!" and watch them go out like a light!

This is ideal for the clinch or for taking out an attacker from behind.

4. The Bitch Slap:

Just slap them into oblivion!

This is one that our Police and Security guys LOVE.

Great for civilian INSTANT Self Defense too!

He slapped the guy... that's all.. he just slapped him... over
and over... So simple and yet DEVASTATINGLY effective.

The key is to generate power by using my simple method:
Put Your Bodyweight Behind the Strike. Turn your hips into it,
as if you were swinging a baseball bat. It makes your hand
feel like a 200Kg sledgehammer...

Primal Fighting like this ain't no mumbo-jumbo that takes
years to master... you can learn this in a few minutes!

It's much Easier to show you how directly on our all-new
DVDs. You can learn in just minutes a day.

I promise you, we'll have you up and fighting like a champ
in no time at all!

Is that fair enough?

Move quickly, we only have 12 sets left of the $900 Free Bonus
packages. If you want this training, hop on down and order the
"Primal Fighting Secrets" home study course right now!


Your Pressure Point Coach,
Russell Stutely

Saturday, 30 June 2018

How a Black Belt Got His ASS KICKED!‏

Hi My Friend
I have full respect for anyone who has earned a legitimate Black Belt.
It takes a lot of dedication and hard work.

But when the sh-- hits the fan, it all comes down to the bottom line:

Can you Really Fight?

Are you absolutely certain and confident you have what it takes to face a violent attacker?

Look. We all know there have been many instances of a hardcore street thug - who has never studies Martial Arts - kicking the tar out of a Black Belt, and leaving stronger men in a pool of their own blood on the pavement.

How are they able to do that?

Because the hardened street thug has used instinctive (primal) violence for most of his life.

Maybe to survive beatings from his alcoholic father, neighborhood thugs, gangsters and drug pushers.

He may've spent years of his life in jail fighting off aggressive fellow prisoners, and the other half of his life on the streets …… in other words, he's used primal violence to survive!

It’s how the world has always been, and always will be.

Since the Dawn of Time, Men Have Been Killing Men

Cain Killed Abel (if Abel knew this, history would have told a very different story)

From History right up to this very minute, the nature of man has not changed.

He is a VIOLENT Animal, Prone to Attack YOU

That’s why you need to know the secrets of Primal Fighting, so you can stop ANY Attacker Dead Cold with Brutal Efficiency!

If you don’t have this same primal instinct and knowledge of violence, you are walking around with a target on your head that sends every thug, terrorist, rapist and violent criminal one message: VICTIM.

There’s really only way you’ll have a chance to survive an attacker like this: KNOW WHAT HE KNOWS, and know more about devastation than he knows.

Right now, Primal Fighting Secrets gives you the opportunity to learn what he knows, and MORE about Devastation than he could ever learn.

The clock is ticking on this incredible offer...

>> Check Out The Video Now!! <<

Your Pressure Point Coach,
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


Don't Feel like Training?

Hi My Friend

Yesterday was just one of those days for me... I had planned to go training at 10 am as usual.

However, as is often the case, things just got in the way.

A real busy day helping friends with property stuff, mulling over decisions etc, running all over Town... no food all day and suddenly its now 5pm.

I have a meeting at 7.45 pm and thought... dagnabbit... that's training messed up for today.

Then I thought... stuff it... food or no food... time to train anyway.

So I packed my kit... and went boxing... I was too tired to do my normal one round so I had to split it into 12 x 3 minutes ... not a full session.. but at least I crammed as much into it as I could.

Boy, did that make me feel better...

That is the great thing about training hard and properly... how good it makes you feel.

Which brings me onto my next point... how you feel..

Many times I am asked about confidence etc.. so many of us Martial Artists are not confident in what we do... for various reasons.

I usually reply that I am 100% confident whilst also being 100% realistic ... no point in being stupid about it!

For me... that confidence comes from knowing that the thug / idiot / asshole etc on the street is no way training like I do.

There is no way this guy/s are doing hard bag / pad / sparring like me.

There is no way they are pushing themselves physically and mentally like I do

There is no way they are gaining skills like I am.

Does it make you rock hard and bullet proof? Of course not... but it should give you that mental edge... that confidence that you need.

Usually it means that you do not atttract trouble in the first place!

Anyway... just wanted to tell you that you can always find time to get some training done... just like yesterday!

Till next time my friend
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


Friday, 29 June 2018

Mindset For Self Defense

Hi My Friend
I have posted a new Blog Post detailing aspects of mindset for self defense.
It will, hopefully, open up some thought processes and training methods for you.
Here it is <<< Click This Link
Till next time.
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


Self Defence Is Like Window Cleaning

Hi My Friend

Over the years I have had countless, well 8714 questions actually, over the best way to train for Pressure Points.

One of my best answers is to use the old political trick of -  answer a question with a question ... and here it is.

''If you wanted to be the best Window Cleaner in the World... what would you do?''

The vast majority answer with ''Clean windows''.

And then it dawns on them what they need to do...

I then say things along the lines of...

Start with small easy to clean windows on the ground floor... with low to no risk of injury.

Gradually build up till you can abseil down ridiculously tall buildings in a gale force wind and clean any window you want.

It is the same with all your Martial Arts / Self Defense training... you have to start somewhere... you have to get that foundation right.

That is why we start with all the Players etc that you need in order to really make Pressure Points work.

Pressure Points then become a natural part of what you are doing... because all the Players are in place.

How to do this?

It is, unfortunately, the same old answer... here is another question as an answer...

''If you want to get really good at something... what would you do?''

Answer is usually.. ''Practice it till I got really good at it''

I make no excuse for (and indeed never have) that this is a learned skill.

You have to train, drill, practice, learn, test, pressure test... just like you do ( or should be doing) with the rest of your training.

I have a mentoring client with me at the moment... who has transformed his (already good) abilities in a few short weeks.

Movement, distance, timing ability to hit on the move, get in apply, apply and hit on the way in/out... keep covered etc are so so much better.

The client of today would destroy the one that arrived day one - and we still have another 1.5 weeks to go!

That is down to one simple aspect of training... drilling in the correct way.

It is pointless doing drills that bear no resemblance to what you are trying to achieve... unless you just want to get good at a drill.

Drilling has to have meaning and purpose.

Remember: All my courses have everything broken down into little step by step lessons... there is  a BIG reason for this.

You need to drill these ''little moments in time'' to understand how to apply them for real.

It is pointless drilling a jab a million times a year if there is no thought process and situational ''play'' when drilling.

Same with all the basics you do in Karate for example... ''most'' schools drill up and down for ages... with no real purpose.

They say they are looking to perfect the technique... well here is the news... you will never be perfect...

You should be trying to be perfectly able to APPLY the technique... that is what you should be drilling.

Try it in you next session... take something simple like a jab...

  • Drill trying to land it in various situiations
  • Drill trying to defend it in various situations

If you are a grappler... then try evading the jab and getting to your takedown for example

If you are a striker... then try evading the jab and getting to your best strike

REMEMBER: The jab returns at the same speed it goes out... and there is normally another shot coming... so your defense needs to be done in the jab timeframe and not longer.

This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ASPECT of drilling... that you understand fully what the drill is for and how it would apply for real.

Start light and slow... build confidence and ability and then speed it up... you will be amazed at the results.

Till next time
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes


Thursday, 21 June 2018

Hi My Friend

I trust that all is well?

As you may know I have recently moved house - this week in fact.

However, I have still found time to train.

As I mentioned the other day - we all lead busy lives and we all need to put things into perspective.

We need to make that balance between: Family, Work, Lifestyle and Training.

That, from my experience is the toughest battle of all!

The order of importance is often done wrong - too many times we put training or work etc in 1st place... when really it should be Family.

To most people work is there to provide the funds to enable us to have a happy home, lifestyle and afford the time and money for training.

Unless you are self-employed or in a job that provides the highest levels of money and / or satisfaction without sacrifice, then IMHO treat it as just a job.. it means nothing other than providing the funds to do what you want in life.

I remember a conversation with a good friend many years ago about the National Lottery in the UK.

The usual: ''what would you do if you won the lottery?''

I replied: ''Live in the Sun and train when I want''

My friend replied: ''You don't need to win the lottery to do that, do you?''

It made me ponder for a milli-second .... I then had a light bulb moment.

No... I do not... so I packed my bags and left the UK...

Opened a School abroad and wham... that was it... out of the rat race forever.....

I remember another quote... It does not matter how far you go in the rat race.... at the end of the race... you will still be a rat!

So many people ask me about opening a MA School, or a Gym or just about trying something new.

My reply is usually along the lines of this: If you are passionate about it... determined to make it work and will REALLY ENJOY the whole process ... then do it.

There are now hundreds of people out there, just like you, who have taken this same approach and joined one of my training courses.

They all blend in seamlessly with the Family, Work, lifestyle, Training balance.

Till next time and have a great weekend.
Your Pressure Point Coach
Russell Stutely

Fit To Fight Learn How To Combat The Top Ten Attacks $27

 Power Strikes Hit Harder Than A Heavyweight boxer In Just 37 Minutes
